Discover Your Strengths with Traca

Welcome to the New YOU!

Traca is an absolute force.

Incredibly smart and insightful. I’ve witnessed her interact with world renowned authors, CEO’s, speakers and thought leaders and to say I’ve been impressed would be an understatement. She has an innate ability to bring together opportunities to the right people at the right time in the right way. Every connection or introduction she’s made has been on point and mutually valuable. Amongst other things I host a weekly zoom call with a wide variety of accomplished thought leaders. She’s added to the group in multiple ways. Questions that get folks to rethink their assumptions, introductions to multiple members of the group that have opened doors and minds. Within a very short period Traca has been able to connect me to several folks that almost instantly became long term clients. Developing a network and thoughtfully and strategically developing relationships is a gift that few posses and I’ve yet to encounter anyone that does so in such a graceful and impactful way. Adding her to the team at Foundry would be a very wise move and one that will no doubt yield an incredible ROI on many levels to your organizations. Peter Winick Founder and CEO

About Traca

Traca is profoundly inspired by human connection, and her philosophy is rooted in the belief that a single conversation can change your life. Since 2006, she's met–on average–3 people a day, and written about the experiences in her popular series, Curiosity Conversations. As power connector and champion for women, Traca leverages her diverse network to bring people together to share experiences, collaborate, and build together.In 2019, she was honored to be an invited speaker at TEDxSeattle. Since its release, her speech, Why You Should Talk Regularly With Strangers, has been translated into 15 languages, and was recently shared with Tim Ferriss' 6 million social media followers.
Her speaking sparks action: she's passionate about sharing her curiosity conversations, and has led talks and workshops at MENSA, Creative Mornings, Microsoft, and more. An avid learner, she's currently taking a deep into Executive-level negotiations and how to build next-generation wealth. When COVID-19 is over, she plans to get her private pilot license.

Contact Traca

Feel free to follow me on my Social Media, and Reach out if you are interested in having me speak at your organization or work with me.
Our address
Seattle, WA
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Daily 6:00 AM — 7:00 PM (Pacific)